We seek out those called by God
All dioceses and parishes in Kenya are the Lord’s calling field and therefore, our source of candidates. For we look to recruit young men, full of faith and eager to spread the Gospel.
we collaborate with local priests
We obviously are not able to reach all places that we wish. So we go to the minor seminaries and catholic schools; we avail ourselves to be invited for talks at your people’s events in parishes.
fast means of communications
Many times too, young men approach us through telephone call, short test message (SMS), e-mail, WhatsApp.
Objectives of the
Propaedeutic program
are structured “in order to assist and allow the Society and the Candidates get to know each other, to develop further candidates’ human intellectual and Christian formation” (and where appropriate improve academically to embark on a degree program) and help the candidates continue the process of discernment before becoming an SMA Student and develop their capacity to live in an SMA Community (SMA CF 2004 n.71).
- SMA Founder and History, SMA Mission and Missions; Ad Afros, Ad Gentes, Ad Extra, Ad Vitam.
- SMA Spirituality, Spirituality, Meditaition and Lectio Divina
Prayer, the Divine Office and Liturgy. - Human Development Psychology and Secuality
SMA Formation, Community and Seminary Life. - Introduction to Sacred Scripture and Church History
Spiritual Direction and other Accompaniments. - Introductory Courses in Philosophy and other relevant and needful courses.
The preparatory
The most suitable candidates from this process are then invited for a longer, continuous stay with the SMA which runs for six months in what is termed propaedeutic or preparatory program.
During this period, the aspirants are prepared to start their journey as students for the missionary priesthood with the Society of African Missions.
Requirements for
Joining SMA
Do you feel that God is calling you to become a priest and serve his people? Has missionary priesthood been your dream to answer God’s call?
Then, you can become an SMA priest if:
- You are a youth aged between 18-26 years with a solid Christian family background exhibiting an interest to serve God’s people particularly the most abandoned.
- You have finished secondary school and attained a C+ and above.
You have a capacity to live in an international community and learn foreign languages. - You are ready to work outside Kenya.
- You are ready and willing to accept a life of celibacy, obedience and apostolic poverty.
- You have a good physical health.
- You have a strong moral character to be attested by your parish priest.